XINDA group provides professional legal services in all aspects concerning patents, trademarks, copyrights, domain registration, etc. The professional service areas of XINDA group cover electronics, telecommunication, architecture, physics, mechanism, chemistry, medicine and catering, etc. XINDA group has a qualified staff group of patent attorneys, trademark attorneys, patent engineers, lawyers, IP rights management consultants, IP counselors and so on. In the staff group, there are the first patent attorneys who have been engaging in patent services since the implementation of the China patent law, and J.D. who is proficient in China and US patent system, and young patent attorneys.[Detail]
Beijing branch was Founded on March 25, 2015; Jining branch was Founded on January 15, 2015. Gathering of talents: Beijing Branch absorbs various specialists from Beijing intellectual property industry including a 12- year senior attorney and a J.D., etc.
Jinan Gaoda is affiliated with Xinda Group and was founded on May 28, 2012. Jinan Gaoda is engaging in various information technology services.